Messages of the Sky from the GOD of Love.
(Messages given by Jesus to her seer Marie-Bernard)
On July 11, 1972
Jesus to Marie-Bernard:
“And for July 14, put out the flag of France at the window, the one that you made me“ (with the Heart, the Cross and the Crown of thorns such as in the vision of April 30, 1972)
On July 14, 1972
Jesus to Marie-Bernard
“You see all these flags, if they had the Heart, the Cross and the Crown of thorns, they would be much more beautiful and I should protect France. But will they want it? Will they repel Satan? For this pray and make penitence! "
On July 30, 1972
Jesus to Marie-Bernard
" … Oh, Paris! … Turn round and wash yourself of your faults. I shall protect you. Otherwise I shall bring down on you a hail of fire to destroy you. Do not provoke Me! … "
On February 2, 1973 (The Big Promise)
Jesus to Marie-Bernard
“I promise to all that will put in the honour in their house the Flag of France with My Heart and My Cross surrounded with My Crown of thorns a quite special protection.
I ask that all wear it on them, whether in badge, armband or brooch.
If you wear respectfully this Flag, I shall bless you and shall protect you. Those that will not honour it or will soil it, I shall chastise them terribly. "
Extracts of the Messages of Jesus to Marie-Bernard (Messages of the Sky from the GOD of Love). Without delay, reproduce, photocopy, diffuse by any means (emails, internet also) and the most you can, these Messages without changing anything voluntarily, if you think, as us, that they reflect the truth.
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