sexta-feira, 29 de maio de 2009

I Cor. I 17

" Christ sent me to preach the Gospel without resorting to the skill of public speaking, so that the Cross of the Christ should not be reduced to nothing “Bible Yan version 1”

1 Without resorting to the skill of public speaking! Well, but it does not have to be a reason not to look for the best possible text of the Bible because it is on these texts that I lean to develop thoughts.
2 For the moment, here is where I am: I look for a Bible in French, the text of which should be the closest translation possible of the Latin text of Vulgate.
3 When I write “Bible Yan version 1 ", it means that I read several texts of the same passage and that no one completely satisfied me. Because of it, I tried to make a text the closest possible to what I think is being the truth.
4 I do not try to make a text of me; I try to approach the most possible of the truth by pure love for the truth.
5 If I notice an error or a possibility of improvement, I shall restore the same passage under a new version: version 2, version 3, etc.
6 When I preserve the text such as it is in some translation, I always quote the source.
7a Add to this the fact that after that I translate the French text into English whose language I do not dominate indeed. So be indulgent, sisters and brothers in the Christ.
b If somebody drowns himself or is suffering in a fire, I prefer a citizen who speaks badly and who calls the fire brigade or tries to help than a perfect speaker who lets the man drown himself or die carbonized and who continues quietly his road.

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